Even a broken watch is correct twice a day.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

The Kroger Bigtime

If all goes well, in just a couple of hours I'll be standing in front of the holy grail of grocery stores; the new Kroger Marketplace in Little Rock.  A few of us die hard Kroger fans are making the trek into Little Rock to see what all the fuss is about.  Seriously, I'm so excited I could pee myself.  Cause I'm old, and a mom, and we get excited about new Krogers and coupons and stuff.  I'm thinking that the three of us adventurers should have had T-shirts made up or something to commemorate this event.  My first foray into a super Kroger.  Totally t-shirt worthy.  I've got to go get ready now, but I'll log in again later to add some thoughts about the Kroger experience.

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