Even a broken watch is correct twice a day.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Fairy Tale

Once upon a time, there was a girl.  Not too pretty, not especially witty, not exactly talented at anything.  Just a regular girl, with a regular family, doing regular things.  And she was okay with that, because without regular people, the special people wouldn't stand out. Her job being regular was pretty important, in fact. Then, she saw The Real Housewives series on Bravo, and realized that sometimes regular people get famous for doing, well, nothing. And this girl became jaded, because, afterall, if "regular" people start becoming famous for doing nothing, then, really, they are special afterall.  She started wondering if really she wasn't so regular.  Wondering if perhaps she was a special person, kept under wraps.  She thought perhaps she could be famous someday, for doing something, which is really nothing, that everyone else does, too.  Because that's how the reality stars do it.  If Snooki is famous, why can't  I be as well?, she wondered.  Unfortunately, there will always need to be regular people around, and she'll never, ever be famous. There will always need to be regular girls with regular lives to become addicted to watching the regular lives of others on television. Still, a girl can dream of becoming a tramp on the Bachelor or a roommate on The Real World, or a guidette on Jersey Shore, right?

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